
We, at Fox Hill, want to make sure we are providing your pet the best care possible. Part of that means letting you, the owner, know when news is released about any of the products your pet might be taking. Recently, the FDA came forward to let Veterinarians know about a few different flea and tick products on the market that they are monitoring. If your pet is on any of the following preventatives, please take note. The FDA still recognizes these preventatives as safe, but they are monitoring them closely. As are Dr. Alexander and Dr. Webber.

Affected FDA-approved Preventatives:

Bravecto tablets for dogs

Bravecto topical solution for cats & dogs

Nexgard tablets for dogs

Simparica tablets for dogs

Credelio tablets for dogs

Revolution Plus topical solution for cats

What do you need to know? These products are safe and approved by the FDA to use if your pet is healthy. However, if your pet has a history of seizures or signs of seizure activity, these products may not be safe for your pet. We do not recommend the use of any of these products if your pet has had any seizure related activity as these products have been associated with adverse neurological reactions. This includes muscle tremors, ataxia (loss of coordination or balance), and seizures. If your pet has shown any of these symptoms while using any of these products contact the clinic and schedule a consultation with Dr. Alexander or Dr. Webber.

Signs of seizure activity in dogs include: sudden collapsing, jerking, stiffening, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, drooling, biting, chewing their tongue, foaming at the mouth, falling to the side and make paddling motions with their legs

Signs of seizure activity in cats include: tremors, body twitching, facial twitching, drooling, sudden bursts of aggressive or hyperactivity

If you have any questions or concerns about these products or potential side effects, please contact us.