ph: 913-381-2500 fax: 913-273-0905foxhillveterinaryclinic@gmail.com4454 West 107th St. | Overland Park, KS 66207

Post Surgical Recovery

Post Surgical Recovery

Please follow the following instructions for a successful soft tissue surgery recovery. Commonly, the recovery period is around 2-4 weeks following the surgery. Keep in mind, all patients are unique so circumstances will change from one pet to the another.


Carefully monitor the incision site for excessive redness, discharge, swelling, or separation of the incision.

DO NOT allow you pet to lick, chew, or groom the surgical site for any reason. In the case of these, the client should purchase an e-collar. Your pet should wear this e-collar at all times during the recovery period to prevent damage of the surgical site.

Use ice compression for 5-10 minutes, or as tolerated, for 3-4 times a day for the first 24-36 hours. Following, use warm compression for 5-10 minutes, or as tolerated, for 3-4 times a day for the next 24-28 hours or until swelling subsides. Always use a towel or cloth barrier against the skin to prevent any thermal damage. We also suggest checking the temperature on your skin first.

NO BATHING OR GROOMING during the recovery period of 2-4 weeks, or until approved by the veterinarian AFTER the sutures or staples are removed.


Please restrict any physical activity for the next 10-14 days, unless directed by the veterinarian. Too much physical activity can cause excessive swelling or separation of the surgical site.


We will send medications home with your pet. The veterinarian will discuss administration of these medications at the time of discharge. If there are questions about dosage, please call us with questions.

Re-Check Visits

Each patient will need a follow up visit to recheck 14 days after the procedure for either an incision recheck or a suture/staple removal. Any necessary lab work, diagnostic images, or additional procedures will be discussed on a patient to patient basis with the veterinarian.


As discussed, histopathology or microbiology samples may be taken at the time of the surgery. The veterinarian will update you with results at the time they become available. If during this time you notice you pet becomes uninterested in food, unable to hold down food, or lethargic contact the veterinarian or local emergency center.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (913)-381-2500.